Digital Asset Chronicles
Registered and operating under the laws of the British Virgin Islands but based in the Ukraine, is a crypto exchange that accepts the Ukrainian fiat currency Hryvnia (UAH). A smaller exchange compared to other exchanges with a presence in Europe such as Bitpanda,, eToro, Luno, or Bitstamp. Kuno also operates Kunawallet which is registered in Estonia and Kuna Fintech Limited operating in the UK. In order to trade on Kuna users need to register an account and then deposit their crypto assets.
Kuna has cryptos such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Chainlink (LINK), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), XRP, TRX, BNB,USDT, XLM, and more and there are markets for USD, UAH, RUB, BTC and more with dozens of market pairs.
This service makes it possible for users to instantly top up their balances without hidden fees and with no registration. Users can also use it to split bills or collect donations and you don’t even need to have an account with Kuna to get started since all you need is the user ID in order to send funds, set up invoices, or donate.
Essentially a platform for processing digital currencies and fiat payments, Kuna Pay allows fast and easy integration and makes it possible to connect to multiple payment services.